The aggregate-template GitHub repository can be used to quickly bootstrap new microservice repositories. To create a new GitHub aggregate repository from the template, follow the steps below:

  1. Click   Use this template to Create a new repository and fill in the details:
    Create new aggregate repo
  2. When GitHub creates the new repo, a boostrap workflow will run to customise the new repository. Wait for this workflow to complete in the Actions tab:
    Wait for boostrap workflow
  3. Clone the new repository locally.
  4. Finish the initialisation of the repository by running the script from the root of the repository:


    This will clean up some scripts, GitHub workflows and stuff that are specific to the source aggregate-template.

  5. Commit the changes back to the repository on GitHub:
    git add -A
    git commit -m "init script"
    git push

The repository is now ready to start developing a new microservice or services. See Add a service for more info.

In addition, the new repository can be easily configured to publish jars and Docker images and code coverage.
