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It’s been somewhat delayed by Christmas holidays, but we’re now happy to announce the v0.3.0 release of Creek is now publicly available on Maven Central!

The new feature in this release is code coverage analysis while running system tests. As identified when writing the first tutorial, code coverage analysis wasn’t happening during system tests. This meant it was hard to know what code was and, more importantly, was not being exercised by the system tests. As we feel the system tests are such a powerful feature of Creek, this was obviously a hole that needed filling.

With this release, code coverage metrics are now captured for system tests! Creek is capturing code coverage data from your service code running inside Docker containers. This is achieved by mounting a directory into the service container that contains the JaCoCo coverage agent and starting services with the JaCoCo agent set in the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable, so the services picks it up.

With that out of the way, focus can return to knocking out a few more tutorials :)

We’ll post again when those tutorials go live…